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In-Person Support Services

Our Support Services Coordinators Lisa and Scott have scheduled some great in-person activities. Unless otherwise indicated, these events are open to anyone with a visual impairment and companion/caregivers. Please indicate the total number of folks when you RSVP to make sure we have enough space, food, staff, etc.

January: in-person support group

  • Wednesday, January 15 at 1 p.m
  • At New Vision
  • Guest facilitator Geraldine F.

February: community outing

  • Thursday, February 20, 11-2
  • Starts at Brick & Barrel restaurant, Leesburg
  • Ends at Leesburg Public Library

March: community outing

  • Wednesday, March 26, 10 a.m
  • Blueberry picking & lunch
  • Location to be confirmed: either Far Reach Ranch, Tavares or Blue Bayou, Yalaha

April: walk ‘n’ talk sensory walk & lunch

  • Wednesday, April 30 11 a.m.
  • Venetian Gardens/Ski Beach restaurant, Leesburg

Daily Dozen Nutrition Group

New Vision is excited to announce the second round of our in-person nutrition group, focusing on Dr. Michael Gregor’s “Daily Dozen” from his best-selling book, How Not to Die. Each month, attendees will learn how to incorporate the Daily Dozen into their lifestyle. Lunch will be provided, centered on the month’s Daily Dozen theme. PLUS attendees will be go home with groceries and recipes to recreate the meal at home.

This meeting is open to anyone with a visual impairment and up to one guest.

There is no charge to attend, but a $5 donation is appreciated to help with the cost of the meal. RSVPs requested to ensure we have enough food; likewise, if you RSVP and can’t make it, please let us know so we don’t buy too much food.

  • Date: the 2nd Thursday monthly (12/12)
  • Time: 11:30-1:30
  • Where: Christ United Methodist Church, 1313 Griffin Rd., Leesburg
  • RSVP: at least 2 days prior by calling/emailing Lisa ( Please make sure to tell Lisa about any allergies in advance!