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The staff and volunteers at New Vision continually research and find new resources that may assist in your vision loss journey. Have a resource that should be here? Email Chantel at

Local Support Groups

Find Blindness Services Outside Lake, Sumter & The Villages

Blindness Services in Florida

Florida Agencies Serving the Blind member list: look up by county the agencies throughout Florida serving people with vision loss (like New Vision)

Florida Division of Blind Services

Blindness Services Outside of Florida

Vision Serve Alliance member list: look up by state agencies throughout the U.S. and Canada serving people with vision loss

Vision Conditions

Glossaries of Eye Conditions

APH ConnectCenter’s Glossary of Eye Conditions

Foundation Fighting Blindness’s Vision Loss Glossary

Prevent Blindness’s Common terms to help you learn more about your eyes and vision

What is legal blindness?


National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation


Hadley’s Living with Cataracts


Foundation Fighting Blindness: Choroideremia

Diabetic Retinopathy

Hadley’s Living with Diabetic Retinopathy

How Diabetes Affects Your Vision

Prevent Blindness: What is diabetes-related eye disease?


Glaucoma and Vision Loss

Hadley’s Living with Glaucoma

Leber Congenital Amaurosis

Foundation Fighting Blindness: LCA

Macular Degeneration (AMD)

American Macular Degeneration Foundation

Hadley’s Living with Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration Foundation

MD Support

Wet & Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Degeneración Macular Asociada con la Edad (DMAE)

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Foundation Fighting Blindness: Retinitis Pigmentosa

What is Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Stargardt Disease

Foundation Fighting Blindness: Stargardt Disease

Usher Syndrome

Foundation Fighting Blindness: Usher Syndrome


Foundation Fighting Blindness – retinal diseases:

  • My Retina Tracker Registry: a research database of people and families affected by rare inherited retinal degenerative diseases (IRD). There are over 20 retinal degenerative diseases which the Foundation Fighting Blindness studies.  The list, includes retinitis pigmentosa, Leber congenital amaurosis, Stargardt disease, Usher syndrome, Best disease, choroideremia, and achromatopsia, amongst others.
  • Clinical Trial Pipeline

Prevent Blindness: Clinical trials for eye diseases and vision

Living with Vision Loss

Living with Vision Loss

Hadley: practical and social/emotional help to older adults adjusting to vision loss, empowering them to adapt and thrive

APH Vision Aware: free, easy-to-use informational service for adults who are blind or have low vision, their families, caregivers, healthcare providers, and social service professionals

  • Living with Blindness or Low Vision: If you are new to blindness or low vision, take the journey one day and one step at a time. Utilize our tips for adjusting to vision changes, living independently, caring for yourself, navigating relationships, getting around your environment, redesigning your home and fall prevention, making home and vehicle repairs, maintaining employment, and choosing where to live.

Living Well with Vision Loss

The Connection Between Health and Vision Impairment

What Are Vision Rehabilitation Services and How Can They Help Older Adults?

Working with Vision Loss

APH’s CareerConnect

How Vocational Rehabilitation Can Translate Vision Loss into Career Success

Legal Rights and Protections for Disabled Workers in Florida

For Families & Friends of Adults with Vision Loss

APH Vision Aware: Families and Friends

Prevent Blindness:

For Caregivers of Children with Vision Loss

APH Braille Bug

APH Family Connect: APH FamilyConnect ® is here to support you, your child, your family, and your child’s medical and educational team members. Discover tips, ideas, information, and personal stories to support your family in raising your child. Getting Started guides birth to 3rd grade and 4th to 12th grade

APH Transition Hub

College: Navigating College with Visual Impairments

National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation:

Parents Helping Parents

Seedlings Braille Books for Children

Vision Serve Alliance’s “Interacting with Children who are Visually Impaired”

Counseling Resources

Janice Barrocas, LPC, CRC, NCC
Therapist specializing in personal adjustment and vision loss
Career Development Facilitator
470-635-9499 call or text

Special Interests


APH Braille Bug

Braille Authority of North America

Braille Through Remote Learning

National Braille Press

Seedlings Braille Books for Children


Music By Ear: learn guitar, piano, or other instruments non-visually


Braille & Talking Book Library


Accessible Outdoor Adventures: Environmental Travel Companions

Beep Baseball: National Beep Baseball Association

Skiing: American Blind Skiing Foundation

US Association of Blind Athletes: goalball, soccer, endurance races, and much more


American Foundation for the Blind’s AccessWorld: A trusted source of information for the intersection of disability and technology. Published quarterly, view our honest commentary, expert insights, and trending discussions in AccessWorld®.

Computers for the Blind: provides refurbished computers with accessibility software, as well as training and other services to individuals across the United States

Hadley’s Technology Workshops: free workshops on iPhone, iPad, Android, computer, and other useful tech

Top Tech Tidbits: The world’s #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology


Blinded Veterans Association: serving blind veterans since WWII

Accessing Medical Care

New Vision is not a medical provider. We cannot improve your vision or assist in the purchase of eyeglasses (sorry!), but these resources may be useful.

Resources for eye medical assistance and eyeglasses

EyeCare America: no-cost medical eye exams by an ophthalmologist for eligible seniors and those at risk for glaucoma

American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Resources for eye glasses

Prevent Blindness’s Medicare Benefits and Your Eyes

Prevent Blindness’s Vision Care Financial Assistance Information


Access Information News: The world’s #1 online resource for current news and trends in access information

What Is Accessibility and Why Is It Important for People with Vision Loss?

Legal Assistance

Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services provides no-cost legal services to the most vulnerable in Central Florida and help them protect their families, health, and livelihood.

  • Web:
  • Tavares office: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Office open by appointment only.
  • Phone: (352) 343-0815
  • Fax: (352) 343-8853
  • 226 W. Main St., Tavares, FL 32778
Community Legal Services HELPline 1-800-405-1417

CLS HELPline 1-800-405-1417
Community Legal Services (CLS) Helpline is an intake and attorney-staffed telephone advice, brief services, pro se, and referral system serving low income individuals, seniors, and other vulnerable people with civil legal issues throughout Central Florida. The attorneys who answer Helpline calls provide eligible clients with immediate brief legal services and/or referrals.

CLS Helpline attorneys are trained to counsel holistically, working with each caller to look at all areas of their life (such as housing, finances, family stability, education, safety, and healthcare) rather than simply addressing only a single need.

Helpline attorneys also provide on-the-spot referrals to a wide variety of governmental and social service providers, including local domestic violence shelters, housing resources, prescription drug programs for low income persons, and emergency food resources.

Disability Rights Florida

Tel 1-800-342-0823

Disability Rights Florida was founded in 1977 as the state’s designated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system for individuals with disabilities in the State of Florida. The P&A system exists to ensure the safety, well-being, and success of people with disabilities.

Disability Rights Florida is a nonprofit organization that provides legal advocacy and rights protection for adults and children with a wide range of disabilities. Our staff attorneys, advocates and investigators address civil rights violations, abuse and neglect, and discrimination specifically in these areas:

  • Disputes involving Medicaid eligibility including Protected Medicaid, Home & Community Based Services Waivers, and Medicare Savings Programs.
  • Discrimination in housing, architectural barriers, service animals, transportation, and access to public and private programs and services.
  • Abuse, neglect, and rights violations in an institution, prison or jail.
  • Rights to a least restrictive environment, privacy, choice, dignity, and other basic human and civil rights.
  • Barriers to a free and appropriate education, K-12 special education, transition services, and post-secondary education.
  • Access to mental health and support services that provide individualized treatment including adults and students with psychiatric disabilities.
  • Employment accommodations, as well as accessing, maintaining or regaining employment, and vocational rehabilitation (through our Client Assistance Program).
  • Rights to effective and accessible communication like American Sign Language and accessible print and electronic information.
  • Access to services that will enable veterans with service-related injuries a successful transition to civilian life.
  • Investigation of stolen or misused funds, exploitation, or neglect by representative payees.
  • Voting registration, vote casting, and accessible polling places.
  • Access to assistive technology and devices such as communication devices and power wheelchairs.
  • Supported Decision-Making as an alternative to guardianship.

If we can’t be of direct assistance, we refer people to other sources of help.

All services are free and confidential.

Statewide Initiatives

  • Educating policy makers about the needs of people with disabilities
  • Systemic and legal advocacy
  • Collaborative work on disability rights issues
  • Monitoring of public programs and facilities
  • Workshops and trainings

Disability Resources and Publications (Disability Rights Florida)