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The Admissions Process

Congratulations on taking the first step! On this page, you’ll find all the information you’ll need to get started with your skills training services, to begin filling your toolbox with the tools you need to adapt to your vision loss and embrace your “new normal.”

If you have any questions while going through this information, your point of contact at New Vision is Lorena Markham at 352-607-7607.

Please note: our Support Services are open to anyone anywhere with a visual impairment, and are available to you at any time in the process.

Step One: Application

To apply for services, you must first complete the Florida Division of Blind Services Application for Services (required as we provide services through a contract with the state). If you would like assistance completing the application, please call 352-607-7607.

A case worker from the Division of Blind Services will contact you to discuss services.

New Vision also requires these items to proceed with an application:

  1. New Vision Intake Information Form,
  2. New Vision Consent for Release, and
  3. If a caregiver is applying on behalf of an adult, verbal permission from the adult applicant. Please note our Family Involvement Policy.

Your application isn’t complete until we have all three. These documents can be mailed or emailed to us:

  • Mail: 4072 United Ave., Mount Dora, FL 32757
  • Email:
  • Fax: 352-702-4466

If you have any difficulty with the application documents, contact us for assistance.

Step Two: Eligibility

Eligibility is determined based on the following criteria:

  • Severe bilateral (in both eyes) visual impairment that affects daily living, AND
  • The ability to benefit from services.

New Vision defines “severe visual impairment” as a visual acuity of 20/70 or worse in the better eye after best possible correction, or a restricted visual field of 50 degrees or less.

New Vision defines “ability to benefit” as the ability to learn/retain new skills, and the desire to learn how to accomplish tasks independently.

The individual must also reside within our service area (Lake, Sumter, The Villages).

Eligibility determination and service delivery is made without regard to race/ethnicity, religion, gender, national origin, age, or marital status. Please read Our Commitment to Inclusion.

Once your complete application is received by New Vision, we will request a copy of your eye report from the eye doctor listed on your application to confirm eligibility. You can expedite this process by calling your eye doctor’s office to ask that they mail or fax (fax # 352-702-4466) your eye report to New Vision.

Once your eye report is received, your case is then inserted into the process for eligibility determination.

Step Three: Service Delivery

Assessment and Plan For Services

Clients are scheduled for their initial visit largely based on the date a completed application was received and determine eligible. At your initial assessment, you will be asked questions to determine what your current needs/goals are and develop a plan for services. You will be asked to sign this plan when your services begin.

Format of Training

All clients are offered all services unless there are documented reasons to the contrary.

Introductory Group Class

Your initial introductory class will consist of six sessions, each 1.5 hours, and will be in a group format. This is a prerequisite for area-specific, individual training. It comprises “blindness basics,” such as adjustment to blindness counseling topics, handling money, medication management, a brief overview of human guide, and more.

Individualized Services

Once you complete your intro class, you will be able to take our other services, such as orientation and mobility, assistive technology, braille, and/or in-home independent living skills training. These services vary in length based on skills desired, current levels of functioning, ability to conceptualize, speed of skills acquisition, consistency of lessons, and more.

Driving Policy

New Vision does not permit clients to drive to training, including motor vehicles and golf car(t)s. Clients must make other arrangements for transportation to services. New Vision can provide you with additional information regarding public transportation options if necessary. However, it is the client’s responsibility to arrange his/her transportation to/from class.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Clients are expected to follow their training schedule and provide 24-hour notice of cancellations. Monday appointments should be canceled by Thursday. New Vision for Independence is closed Fridays through Sundays. More than three cancellations or missed appointments within 90 days may result in expulsion from services and referral to case management for evaluation.

Thank you for trusting us to help you on your journey toward independence with vision loss. We’re looking forward to helping you meet your goals!