New Vision provides a variety of services:
Direct Services / Skills Training
New Vision serves all ages with severe visually impairment in Lake and Sumter Counties and all of The Villages, including The Villages’ portion of Marion County. These services are sponsored, in part, by the State of Florida, Department of Education, Division of Blind Services (DBS). DBS sets the following eligibility criteria:
An adult must:
- Have a visual impairment in both eyes AND
- Require services to: improve or maintain their independence at their home and community, OR to obtain, maintain, or retain an employment outcome.
The child must have:
- A bilateral visual impairment which, with best correction for that individual, constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to the child’s ability to learn, function independently, or to become employed; AND
- A reasonable expectation that services may benefit the child and family in terms of education, independence, and transition.
Support Services
Our support services are available to anyone with a visual impairment anywhere.