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Annual Luncheon

And the winners are…

Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 Axy Awards at our Annual Luncheon, sponsored by Beacon College. Our most blind-friendly businesses are:

  1. Restaurant
    • Cracker Barrel
  2. Grocery store
    • Publix
  3. Pharmacy
    • Publix
  4.  Hospital
    • South Lake Hospital
  5. Clothing store
    • Belk
  6. Movie Theater
    • AMC Leesburg
  7. Banking
    • Insight Credit Union
  8. Cable/Internet Provider
    •  Comcast
  9. Electricity Provider
    • SECO
  10. Cell phone service
    • Sprint

Click here to vote for the most blind-friendly business in each category.

Axy Awards 2019 logo at the end of a red carpet

Then celebrate with the winners at the 4th annual Axy Awards, sponsored by Beacon College.

WHEN: Thursday, Dec. 5 at 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Beacon College’s Burbank Hall, 118 W. Main St., Leesburg

COST: $20 per person or $200 for a reserved, sponsored table of 8

Click here to buy your tickets for the 4th annual Axy Awards!